A story been written during my sleepless nights, fairly accompanied by my SSRI drugs, a cup of frappucino and a chunk of optimism. Presenting you, my deadly trial on becoming the most random, engineering-major, truly amateur fictional writer, 'Dead Cat For Zoey'. Well, if Sophie Kinsella, Emily Cassel or Stephanie Meyer happen to read my book, please, don't flush mine into your bowl. That's too rude! Haha.
blacky dead cat

Friday, April 9, 2010

Linda Ronstadt vs. Zooey D.- Who you with?

When I browsed Youtube for the latest song from She & Him, my father asked me to look for some old songs that he used to love during his teenage life. We search for Deep Purple's Temple of the King, Paul Anka's Papa, Boney M's Ma Baker (a song tribute for a mother and sons robbery plots, where they were shot dead by FBI) and some other songs, like from Rod Stewart and Gun N Roses.
Everything was fine, until he asked me to type in the name 'Linda Ronstadt' in the search field. And the result was amazing, I mean, I was stunned! Why? Because she imitates the look of an everyone-dream-girl, Zooey Deschanel. Check out the vid below:

Well, it wasn't that close, but the way she picks her guitar, the hair-do, the dressing, big, fat eyes - it leads to a phenomenon called 'Karma' or rebirth of the old into the new one. I don't believe such thing, this might be a sheer coincidence. And of course, Zooey is much adorable..Haha...


Both are great singers - Zooey is folk/alternative figure, Linda was once labeled 'Queen of Rock' and she did country, folk, rock and roll too. So, the jury is, both are good, one is cuter than another. Which one??? Haha...

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